Angular 7: The thing to be known for sure

As we know Angular is one of the most popular and sophisticated javascript frameworks which is used to build mobile and web applications. It was developed by Google and released in 2010.

Up to date, six versions of Angular Framework are released. They are:

  • Angular 1
  • Angular 2
  • Angular 4
  • Angular 5
  • Angular 7

But version 3 was skipped by Google due to some issues with the modules. And the wait is over! Google released the latest version of Angular framework with version 7 and all the big details of it are right here.

As the first major release of the Angular team is Angular 6, before jumping into Angular 7 let’s view some of the key features of Angular 6.

Features of version 6:

  1. Angular Elements:

In the starting versions of Angular framework, it was difficult to develop a component which was included in an existing page and with Angular 6 it was made possible with the introduction of Angular elements.

This feature enabled the developers to furnish the native web elements. This helped the developers to use Angular 6 for Web Application Development.

  1. TypeScript 2.7:

With the introduction of TypeScript version 2.7 in Angular 6, enables the developers to code with default declarations, conditional type declarations, and strict class initialization.

  1. Bazel Compiler:

Angular 6 is integrated with Bazel Compiler to build almost all software at Google. The most interesting thing with Bazel Compiler is it can rebuild only the required code instead of rebuilding the entire code since source code changes very often. It was made possible due to advanced local and distributed caching, parallel execution and optimized dependency.

  1. ng add and ng update:

These were the two major commands introduced in the sixth version in Angular CLI.

‘ng add’ command is used to update the project dependencies to their latest versions. ‘ng update’ command takes up the responsibility to add and configure new libraries into the project.

  1. Ivy Renderer (Beta):

This is the third rendering engine launched along with Angular 6. This feature helped in decreasing the size of the app. It mainly focussed on the speed of rendering improvement.

Now, let’s discuss the features introduced in Angular 7:

  1. Virtual Scrolling:

This feature loads and unloads the elements based on the visible part of a list in the DOM.

With this, it is made possible to build fast experiences with the help of large scrollable lists.

  1. CLI prompts:

With the help of CLI prompts, any package can take advantage of them by just adding an X-prompt key to a schematics.

Furthermore, it prompts the users while running the common commands like ng new or ng add to help discover the built-in features.

  1. Better Accessibility:

In this version, the Angular team worked more on the better accessibility of selects. They used the native select element in the mat-form-field through which select has become better with accessibility, performance, and usability.

  1. Drag & Drop:

This is an amazing feature which automatically renders the user for reordering lists and transferring the items between the lists.

Final words:

To update to Angular 7, visit or type the command ng update @angular/cli @angular/core.

Angular 7 is integrated with Bitcoin mining feature and seems to be the robust solution for modern technological trends which makes developers build more powerful apps.

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