How to Improve SEO With User Experience Factors

How to Improve SEO With User Experience Factors: User experience plays a major role in SEO. It is also used to rank websites on SERPs.

Google also focuses on this user experience and includes it in its algorithm. Google doesn’t work on ranking directories which gives a poor user experience

Thinking in terms of how the user experiences the website is the main strategy. Based on this, Google ranks the website. There are few ways to improve performance with user experience. Here are they listed below.

Content Creation

Focus on the quality of the content that you are providing on your website and how well the web content is explained. The content creation process is a primary thing to have the user focus on.

Provide the content that the user is expecting from your website. Do not get inclined to another point of the topic. Question yourself on what point you are creating content. This will also make you understand how Google ranks the websites.

Firstly, on the top search results of your search and find out the difference what you are missing. The primary focus of the website and how the questions are being answered. It must understand the users search related queries. We all know the best site to solve our queries is googling.

Search the top-ranking websites and understand the way of providing content then work in your way to provide the answer in a better way.

Natural Language Processing

Google has better algorithms to understand user queries and provide the best results. Google uses some technologies like rank brain and BERT. It is also working on more algorithms to provide answers to the search query. Previously, there are few machines learning algorithms that will search the content based upon the keywords that are in the query. Google is on its way to match an answer to a question.

How to Create a Better Web Page Experience
  • Divide your content into smaller paragraphs
  • Use accurate heading tags
  • use images to convey your points
  • for the order list use bullet points
  • optimize your images
  • Don’t limit your word count for writers
  • Run URLs and make improvements to the page
  • Use appropriate font to deliver the content

The Ultimate goal is to satisfy the users with the content. The sites that stand in the top position are most recommended and enthusiastic for user experience. This also creates a positive performance. Work on many more ways to have a grateful user experience.


iBase Solutions offers SEO Services as SEO Optimization, SEO Marketing, Digital Marketing, Web Development, and so on. So, If you want to avail of our services or to know about us, Contact Us

SEO Training Programs for Every Knowledge & Experience Level

SEO Training Programs for Every Knowledge & Experience Level: To expand your SEO team, new team members will be added to the group, and skill level training will be given to them. For certain levels candidate’s certain levels of training will be provided for their success.
For an individual in an SEO team, SEO knowledge should be integrated with certain training programs. For every new hire in the team, there are prescribed programs and guidelines that are to be followed.

Here are the main 3 levels of knowledge that a different individual should possess.

New Hires with No SEO Knowledge

SEO knowledge cannot be picked up overnight. For a new Joiner in the SEO team, experience, and his insights matter in the field.For the new hire, it is important to provide knowledge from the basics.
Firstly, mainly focus on why SEO is important, then you will become successful in digital marketing. The team members should focus on the introduction and scalability of terms like SERPs, Algorithms, metadata, heading tags.The best way to start with  SEO training programs is to go through videos, case studies, articles.

New Hires with Medium SEO Knowledge

If you hire an employee with some SEO Knowledge, you need to understand the level of experience and comfort.SEO with medium knowledge doesn’t require more knowledge of basics. Quickly move to the standard principles of SEO training. Then move to the advanced elements of SEO.

An individual at this stage needs to be given unique content as well as need to work on new strategies.

New Hires with High / Expert SEO Knowledge

An Advanced SEO belongs to this category. Skip the basics and go for a deep study of SEO training. This person has more knowledge and easy to understand the strategies.

The individual can easily find the difficulty areas and has knowledge of website trends. Make sure any of the team members know the structured data and build a domain. Keep an SEO guru in your team to handle any kind of difficult issues and runs any program. Share your knowledge across your team members for the growth of your team.
It is important to determine the capability of an individual person and give the right source of knowledge and materials to make the person and team successful.

iBase Solutions offers SEO Services as SEO Optimization, SEO Marketing, Digital Marketing, Web Development, and so on. So, If you want to avail of our services or to know about us, Contact Us

Local SEO Best Practices for WordPress Websites

Local SEO Best Practices for WordPress Websites:  We all know that WordPress is the Simplest and Open-source way to create our own blogs. Here are the few improvements That will help you in the ranking of your website .it has rich functionality and different price ranges. WordPress is being used by many millions of users which is more SEO-friendly. Buy this even a normal user without having the knowledge can implement optimization techniques. Here are a few simple techniques or we can say that SEO best practices that you can use for your websites.


  • Increase performance of your website:

The speed of the site is one of the main factors to consider. If your site is in the top ranking, the performance of your site should be as fast as possible. Here are a few techniques to follow up.

 ‣  reduce the server load with caching plugin.

This caching plugin will create HTML versions that are connected to dynamic pages that will slow down the performance of the website by increasing the load of the server. There are multiple options to work on with caching plugins like WP cache.

 ‣  Compressing large images:

Large images are also one of the reasons to slow down the performance. Make use of WP shush plug-in to reduce and compress the size of large images.


  • Review your link Profile:

We all know that WordPress websites are based on links and have a ranking signal in organic rankings. It also calculates one or more domains linking to your site, backlink optimization. here are a few things that will help you to understand the usage of links in simple steps.

 ‣  Quality over quantity:

The number of attachments to your site, IP address, and many more are important to your site but having one worthier a high-quality backlink. To understand and eliminate the quality of lower quality links use link tracking software.

 ‣  Fix broken links:

Make sure you use a plugin broken link checker to identify the correct will also help you to check posts, pages add comments for uncorrected links.


  • Optimization for mobile:

For any kind of thing, most of us prefer mobiles to the desktop which means mobile optimization is much more important than desktop optimization. Here are a few tips that will help in mobile optimization.

 ‣  Specifically, for mobile visitors:

To detect different devices at the server level and customize the experience of the interface use the function wp_in_function ().

 ‣  Greater performance mobile pages:

When you are going for mobile optimization, make sure that your site pages have greater accelerated speed. WordPress also provides a default plugin with the name AMP Plugin Which is used to create AMP pages for mobile users.


  • Include location keywords of your URL:

However, user searches with a keyword in the browser, having keywords in URL improves user experience. Earlier versions of WordPress don’t have much more flexibility to work with URLs.


Besides all these SEO best practices, you can also make much more improvements to your WordPress sites like optimizing the site structure, working on URLs and XML sites, etc.

iBase Solutions offers SEO Services as SEO Optimization, SEO Marketing, Digital Marketing, Web Development, and so on. So, If you want to avail of our services or to know about us, Contact Us

SEO Keyword Research – Mistakes you must avoid

SEO keyword research -Mistakes you must avoid: There are certain mistakes you need to avoid while performing keyword research.

Keyword Research is a fundamental part of an SEO marketer’s Job. It is one of the difficult tasks for SEO Professionals. It is the one which is difficult to deal with. Working on SEO keyword research makes you feel more laborious. Here is a list of keyword research mistakes to avoid:


  • Not Seeing Past ‘Volume’ Metrics:


It is mostly based on the metrics of the business. Using certain keywords improves your page, and also it doesn’t have any use if you use more keywords. It is most significant to identify what is required for the website. Volume is not only the prime focus, other factors will also affect will your content.


  • Forgetting Searcher Intent:

Focus on searcher intent and on which point of view searcher is looking for the content. There is no use of your site when there is no related content that the searcher is looking for. Make sure you use perfect keywords to elevate your content. Make sure you match your content to what users are looking into.


  • Dismiss long Tail Keywords:

This might come under voluminous content. Using Long-tail keywords makes the user find the exact thing that is needed to him. It makes content closer to the user. It will help to build trust with the brand and make use of it.


  • Inserting Keywords after an article is written:

Unfortunately, keywords are not inserted after the completion of the article. The unique keywords need to be added along with the content multiple times. You can’t meet the user’s requirement when research is after the thought.


  • Focus on Broad topics:

Focus more on broad topics that users are in need of and create content that exactly matches them. This will help you to get and focus on new ideas. Think beyond your content that will help your website grows.


  • Unknown Competitors: 

Each and every business has its own competitors. You need to survive among them. It is important to find your competitors and grow. Assess your type of content you are publishing on your website.


If You are an SEO professional focus on this type of mistake to avoid blunders in the project. This will also help in the growth of your website by the uniqueness of your content.

iBase Solutions has shaken hands with many companies to help them with SEO Services as SEO Optimization, SEO Marketing, Digital Marketing, Web Development, and so on. So, If you want to avail of our services or to know about us, Contact Us