Evaluating the Quality of the Website

Evaluating the quality of the website: You can evaluate and improve the ranking of your website. You can question yourself whether your website is good or bad. Ask yourself few questions as decide whether it is doing any justification. Every website has loop wholes. There is some good and bad in it. There are few problems that arise and need to be solved immediately or else ignore the warnings. Minor technical issues can affect building a site. It is very important to count on website Flaws to make it run easier. Here are a few things on which you can evaluate your quality of the Website.

1. Does your site have the required page titles?

Give the titles to your page. Even if you are missing the title, google gives a title based on your content. It automatically generates descriptions and titles. Don’t leave the title, make sure you type them manually to have a good website and to maintain the good quality of the website.

2. Does the speed of the page is more than 2 – 3 seconds?

It is he must, should calculate the speed of your page. This will help you to focus more on website performance and how fast the website works. Your website needs to load just within seconds or else if it takes more time the website’s performance is bad.

3. Does your website have many H1 tags?

Using Multiple H1 tags doesn’t have many significant issues from Google, but it also disturbs the focus of the reader. It is good to use only one H1 tag on the page. Generally, the H1 tag is used to give the title of the page. If you use many H1 tags, it has an impact on the reader.

4. Are the images on your site is optimized?

Make sure your images are optimized through Google search .use file names and calculate load time. Do not use unrelated images and don’t work on unnecessary strategies and doesn’t spam the images from other websites

5. Are the URL’s being too long?

Do not use long URLs that will have a bad user experience. Make sure you use short URLs. It is good practice to limit the URL size up to 100 characters. Always use shorter URLs that will help you to easily share, copy and paste on social media. Short URLs are easy to load and a longer one takes a lot of time. The URL gets updated easily for a month for the same content and generates a new URL. When the URL is short, it doesn’t have any risks, and it is easily manageable. When it is long, there are a lot many things to face an issue.

6. Does navigation of website use JavaScript?

JavaScript uses cross-platform and cross-browser compatibility. It is best to use HTML navigation That is embedded with CSS. For a responsive design of the website use HTML instead of JavaScript.

7. Does your site use flat architecture?

Using flat architecture for the website, All the pages will be dumped in a root directory without any theme and category. So, to fetch any page is going to take some time. Using siloed architecture, All the pages are categorized into a certain theme. We can also find group pages with well-Organized topics. This will help make the search engines work easier and to fetch faster pages. Prefers silo navigation to flat architecture

8. What type of content is present on your website?
The quality content cannot be measured based on word count and do not use any shortcuts in the content that is being uploaded on your website. Use high-quality and unique content that describes your website.

9. Are the pages on your website are optimized properly?

Using multiple same keywords will create confusion on landing pages. Having the same keyword on many pages will decrease the uniqueness of your page

10. Are you using multiple dynamic URLs?

Using multiple dynamic URLs will create an issue instead go for creating static URLs. This also has an impact on website crawling. It makes the work hard for search engines is there are multiple dynamic URLs.

11. Does your site is plagued by multiple links?

It is okay to use multiple links on our page. Google doesn’t pose any penalty for using hey many numbers links in a website, but significantly it decreases the performance of your site And this may also come under spamming of the website. We have become a helping hand to many businesses by providing many smart solutions. We ensure you that you will get the best quality of the website here. Once Experience with us, and you will find the best service provider with awesome services and the lowest prices.

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